
Throughout history, civilization gives rise to central powers with the ability to create money

Time and time again, the urge to gain influence over money creation overpowers the incentives of real work

Trust begins to erode in central governance which inevitably succumbs to corruption and devastation

Until one day, humanity discovers money that can resist central powers, ushering in an era of prosperity

Part I: Genesis

On the brink of financial ruin, central powers made the decision to conjure new money and give to their institutions, causing dilution at the expense of the population, breaking the trust we were forced to place upon them

Then a protocol surfaced, distributed, immaculate, its resistance to coercion prevents central governance

But with traction gaining came the problem of scaling, large miners and exchanges pushed to make changes, with profits at risk they demanded a quick fix while compromising the entire protocol's resilience

This tested resistance to pressures from belligerent corporates who made the decision to implement a top-down solution, against constitution, their approach was exclusion, their downfall was ignorance

In parallel, a maverick grassroots campaign, driven by users on public domains with their laser-like focus to ascertain an opt-in solution within existing constraints, and resilience maintained, their stance did not wane

Until a breakthrough called SegWit, a technically elegant, computationally efficient, compatible update

The consensus mechanism defended the system against central coercion, and in that moment, David defeated Goliath

Though scaling issues were resolved, Goliath now craved for more control

Part II: Stake

The allure of new protocols was too much to resist, they could now take control and suppress user dissent

A chance to enrich insiders entrenched through governance system of stake